The American Correctional Association provides a professional organization for all individuals and groups, both public and private that share a common goal of improving the justice system.
ASCIA is a professional association consisting of the senior executives of the state wide criminal investigative agencies in the United States whether they are independent bureau within the state or a state police agency with both criminal and other enforcement responsibilities.
1-800-COPLINE is a 24 hour /7 Days A Week/365 Days A Year confidential, peer-to-peer support hotline for law enforcement officers to reach out for help.
This Law Enforcement Resource Guide highlights many of the Department’s threat resilience resources available to you, including training and grant opportunities.
The Jails and Justice Support Center (JJSC) assists jails in creating and sustaining safe, humane, and effective environments for their populations including incarcerated individuals, staff, and visitors.
The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) is a professional organization of police executives representing the largest cities in the United States and Canada.
The National Sheriffs' Association is a professional association dedicated to serving the Office of Sheriff and its affiliates through law enforcement education and training, and through the provision of general law enforcement informational resources.
The FBI National Executive Institute Associates (NEIA) is a private, non-profit organization, of chief executives of the largest law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe.
The Public Safety Next Generation 9-1-1 Coalition, comprised of stakeholders from every discipline within the public safety community, is committed to advancing legislation that enables a nationwide upgrade to Next Generation 9-1-1.
The Office of Partner Engagement serves as a voice between FBI executive management and all law enforcement partners, helping mitigate issues and improve communication.
The Office for State and Local Law Enforcement provides the Department of Homeland Security with primary coordination, liaison, and advocacy for state, local, tribal, territorial and campus law enforcement agencies.