Need Someone To Talk To?
With law enforcement suicides on the rise, a resource like COPLINE is crucial.
COPLINE is the first international law enforcement officer’s hotline, manned entirely by retired law enforcement officers. An active or retired officer or their family can call 24/7 and be assured there is a trained active listener on the other end of the line. COPLINE is strictly confidential. If you or someone you know is struggling, please have them reach out to COPLINE and/or seek professional help.
Peer-to-Peer Support
COPLINE is peer to peer support. Cops talking to cops 24/7/365, operating in the continental U.S. and Canada.
Who They Service
Active and retired officers and their families dealing with multiple stressors, on and off the job, which can include: PTSD, depression, marital problems, burnout, anger issues and suicide thoughts.
What They Do
Provide a safe haven for officers to vent.
Listen to the caller's needs and refer vetted mental health professionals, where needed.
Why COPLINE Exists
Officers keep things to themselves and don't talk about their problems. The stigma, fear of exposure to their department and risk to reputation, career and pension, force officers to keep everything inside.
CALL: (800) COP-LINE (267-5463)
COPLINE is always in need of retired officers to volunteer to answer the "Call." The training is free.The application and other info can be found at http://www.
For information on volunteering for COPLINE, please feel free to contact Stephanie Samuels at
Signs Of PTSD
Download PTSD-Wallet-Card-CopLine